Mən dizəcliyəm
آزربايجان اوغلو(آتام توركدي ، اؤزيم توركم ، آنام تورك)

دوستان اين بار ما از سازمان بين المللي فيفا كه بشدت به اين مساله تبعيض نژادي در فوتبال حساس است شكايت مي كنيم. مطمئن باشيد اينبار جواب خواهيم گرفت. لطفا اين مطلب را در وبسايت يا ... بشدت تبليغ و براي تعداد شكايات بيشتر، هواداران زيادي را جلب كنيد. اين مطلب را ايميل كنيد. با توجه به بي نتيجه ماندن اعتراضات هواداران تيم تيراختورسازي آذربايجان در رابطه با تبعيض و بي عدالتي مسئولان ليگ برتر ايران، عده اي از هواداران تيراختور تصميم گرفتند تا با نوشتند نامه و طومار اعتراضي به فيفا به زبان انگليسي، فيفا را از اين طريق به اين ناعدالتي آگاه كرده تا بر ايران فشار آورد. مطمئنا با همكاري شما هواداران عزيز تيراختور ما خواهيم توانست با اين اعتراض به نتيجه برسيم. لطفا وارد لينكي كه در زير آمده شده، نام، ايميل و موضوع را پر كرده و فقط متن انگليسي (بدون ترجمه فارسي) را در كادر مربوطه پر كنيد و با نوشتن كد امنيت، سابميت را بزنيد.


What is your name: نام خود را وارد كنيد (به انگليسي)

Email: ايميل خود را وارد كنيد

 Subject براي موضوع متن زير را كپي پيست كنيد :

This letter is from fans of one of Iran super league football teams that named Tractor-sazi

Type your message here متن انگليسي را كه در زير آمده است، بدون ترجمه فارسي در كادر كپي پيست كنيد

قسمتي كه در زير تحت نام (متن موحتواسي) آمده است را كپي پيست كنيد.

 Enter the numeric code shown in the image below : كد امنيتي كه در آنجا مشخص شده، دقيقا در آنجا تايپ كنيد

Submit روي اين گزينه كليك كنيد تا شكايت شما ارسال گردد.

دوستلار. بو متنين انگليسي چئوريمين آشاداكي آدرسده نظرات قيسمتينه كپي ائليين و اؤز آديزي يازين.

لينك سايت فيفا:


متن موحتواسي: متن انگليسي زير را در كادر مربوط به Type your message here كپي پيست كنيد.

 Dear sir/madam;

This is a letter from fans of one of the Super League football teams in Iran, named Tractorsazi to the directors in AFC

Tractor football club (abridged among the fans) is the only popular team of more than 35million Azeri Turks all over Iran. Many great football stars have been introduced from among Turkish people into the world, such as, Ali Daei, Karim Bagheri, Rasul Khatibi, and others who have gained fame in other Iranian teams just because of their not having enough facilities in their own region.

Tractor is one of the football teams in Tabriz, the center of East Azerbaijan province. But it has a great number of fans from all over the country, Turkish speaking countries in the neighborhood, like Turkey and Azerbaijan, and also from other Asian and European countries. There have always been more than an average number of 60 thousand spectators in each competition.

You may also find it interesting to know that the first Asian- player transferred to Europe in 1930 was from the Azerbaijan in Iran. He was the deceased Hussein Sadaghiyani, the best forward footballer in Belgium in the years, 1930 and 1932, and besides, he was also the father of football in Iran.

But now, the only football team from this populous region, Tractor, is facing so many problems, such as: the matches not being broad-casted on neither national TV channels, unfair judgments of the referees in different matches, and numerous problems which are encountered by the myriads of the fans and spectators who bare the burden of all difficulties and lack of any facilities in and outside the stadiums.

We have protested to the present condition several times but all in vain after a two-month struggle, as it was always the two teams of the Capital, Tehran important and worth consideration for them and took our objections as a political act. Most of the people believe that it's a clear racist reaction.

We would appreciate it if the Confederation of football in Asia would warn the Federation in Iran to change its biased and discriminating behavior towards Tractor ad its fans. For sure your supporting our team will be a great hope towards a brighter future of the world's football introducing more top footballers among the great potentials of the area.

And at last we would like to invite the directors and representatives of AFC to have a trip to Tabriz to see from a closer distance the excitement and exultant of so many admiring fans of Tractor.

Thank you for your caring consideration.


[ چهارشنبه 19 بهمن 1390 ] [ 09:01 ] [ dalğa ]
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